Recently i watch the film the matrix for the millionth time and i have a look on the film. I have thought about how the film elements worked toward toward the the movie for example the use of dark and light elements. Other examples would be the use of special effects how it has a good use of special effects and real elements a example would be the scene when the main hero of the film "Neo" was dodging bullets that is a good use of special effects. A use of real effects would that once again the main hero knowing and use several different types of martial arts and a known and not so well known. All in all the movie was well designed and very well made and the choice of actors was perfect. This movie has spawned many different creations other than the 2 sequels made such as "the Animatrix" and also many others. Since the first Matrix movie was made there were several video games created off it for example the most recent to come out "the Matrix: path of neo" which i own and i have to say its really fun in the game you play as neo going through each and every movie and more. Since the Matrix has come out many call it possibly the best scifi action movie.
Danny i would have to agree with you the people choosen to play the characters in the movie was a good choice. I like how you explained the elements and that their is a game to match this movie.
LOL I've seen this movie so many times I don't keep count anymore. The special effects really made the movie, the dodging bullets was awesome the first time I saw it. The choice of actors is perfect to I can't see Will Smith playing the part of Neo. They made the right choices. This is a great movie it just took me time to realize how good it was. I would have to agree with people this can possibly be the best scifi action movie ever.
Danny, I think the dodging bullets scene is also a very good scene and the casting was well done. I would like to play the video games also and you made a good connection to the film. Matrix could very well be the best sci fi movie out there. so far...
Danny its funny because you saw the movie the day before we started to watch in class, am asuming that the movie was very interesting in class beacuse you did not fall asleep during the movie. you seem very intresting in the special affect of scene wen neo dodge the bullets. i like that also it made it more interesting.
danny, i also mentioned that the didging bullets scene in my blog. i think that scene is unforgettable scene in the movie.
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