Wednesday, September 17, 2008


well the last couple of days i've been hanging outside more and like 3 days ago (sunday) i was outside playing manhunt with about 12 people so 6 on 6 me and 2 people that i know very well were hiding while everyone else was dumb enough to get caught and i was hiding ontop of a low building which was not easy to climb and the other team had many of the good people who have speed and stealth and of course i left my phone on loud and i get a text message from someone on the other team saying"i found you" and the text tone was the alert from metal gear solid when snake gets caught so basically the same thing happened for me and i get caught cause of the sound so yea in the end i am a idiot
(note to self kill the phone when playing)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heLLo My NaMe iS JaRoLyN....BuT mY fRiEnDs AnD FaMiLy CaLL mE JaRo...wHiCh EvEr 0nE iS eAsIeR foR y0u iS fiNe.

i LoVe PlAyiNg mAn HuNt AnyTimE tHerE wAs a FaMiLy ParTy aLL dA KiDs WiLL Go OuTsiDe aNd PlAy. Now EvEry0nE hAs m0vEd 0n AnD wEnT tHeRe SePerAtE wAyS. i WuD LoVe To g0 bAcK t0 tHoSe DaYs...h0pE y0u Enj0yEd GetTiNg CauGht...LoLz