Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the game research paper update(i'm screwed)

well to start it up i have no idea what the hell i am gonna do for this lol yeah sucks right i had a idea but i can't get like 10 pages out of that its impossible maybe 5 but 10 i coudn't do 7 pages what makes doc.smith think i can do 10 i am basically screwed so i just need to focus and think of a better project subject and get maybe 6 pages out of it

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The TRip to the video game places

well what can i say I HATE THE SUBWAY i got lost got there like 20minutes late and i couldn't find doc smith so instead i went to every location solo i checked everything out i bought some cards in neutral grounds and such then at like 12:50 i left and hung out with my girlfriend now i can look for trip to the museum

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Cluster

this cluster i have learned alot for example stuff i learned from dr.smith and dr.lucca both theses professors helped me alot in media culture and some computer technology all in all i belive i learned alot but dr.ruben i learned how to get a good power nap in the middle of class thats about it

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The club fair

the club fair thing was kind of weird i just like standed there wondering should i leave now or later i was basically held hostage by my friends so i thought it was kind weird and the clubs were kind of dull so i didn't join anything and left quick

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Demons of Razgriz......

The Demon of Razgriz

(the Demon from the North Sea)

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself, first as a dark demon
As a demon it uses it's power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies
However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns...

Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath

The demon soars through dark skies
Fear and death trail its shadow beneath
Until men united wield a hallowed sabre
In final reckoning, the beast is slain

As the demon sleeps, man turns on man
His own blood and madness soon cover the earth
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light".